Thursday 29 September 2011

Masterchef-in-training (or not)

I may possibly be the youngest slash only asian in the world who can cook rice sans a rice cooker. It's really not that difficult. You put the rice in a pot, you put it on the stove until it boils with the lid on, you take the lid off, let it simmer until the water is gone, put the lid back on and turn the heater super low (turn off if you have an electric thing like they do here). Then you take the lid off, scoop the rice from the pot onto your plate, and you eat it. See, not difficult.

My mother is very silly. She is so paranoid that I'm starving here, and so she sends me a rice cooker. From australia. For $14. Not including shipping. (she also sent me a can opener and a can of goose. what does one do with goose?) Fyi, you can buy rice cookers here for $15. And there's no need for shipping. Anyways, now that I have this rice cooker I should use it, and catch up to the rest of the world in rice cookerness.

I stuck the instructions on the wall. USING RICE COOKERS IS HARD FOR ME MMKAY?

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Thursday 22 September 2011

Go Babo!

Money pays. Private colleges get their own police force. Yeah we have our own police force at Babson. And one of their jobs is take transport people to places they need to go. They're basically like a free taxi service. Convenient, right?

WRONG ! Yeah they're convenient, yeah they're free. But being in the back of a police car is scary. And weird. And creepy. And just weird. You have to sit in the back like a criminal, there's a plastic screen separating the front from the back, there's plastic over the window so you can't escape. It's like, a real police car. One thing disturbing me is that there are no door handles inside, so if there's an accident or something YOU CAN'T GET OUT.

Anyways this post needs a photo right? I don't have a photo of the Babo, so here's a photo of our dean, Dean Hammo, and our mascot, Biz.E the Beaver. Beaveromance.


Monday 19 September 2011


Space is so important. Your own private space. I think everyone should have a space that is just for them. A place where they can just lie down and let their mind wander. Which I guess in a sense is a bit of a paradox because the space is created by yourself to be pleasing to the eye or the soul depending on how zen you want to get, and yet its purpose is to allow the subject to escape. We all need spaces.

So after a month of living in lovely Copenhagen, I've finally created my space. I think it's pretty sweet. What do you think?